Haloo Sobat blogger .. kemaren ada yang request ROM SGA yang padahal sudah lama muncul tapi baru saya post sekarang gapapa yaaa hehehe .. ini ROM lagi hot-hot nya sekarang nih .. soalnya saya juga memakai ROM ini hehe ...
[ROM] Ace-Of-Spades V3 (Yang saya Pakai Sekarang)
NEW THREAD LINK : http://www.megawrz.com/android-custom-rom-modding-zone/
Ace Of Spades is one of the highly preferred android systems.
This System is designed for
1. Speed
2. Super Stability
3. Customization
4. General Use
5. Battery Performance
I've spent weeks, months purely modifying the system for performance
whilst having the best battery life. I can guarantee the speed and the
battery at the same time will impress.
This release has a blue over glow effect, Ice Cream Sandwich
icons/animations and the Ice Cream Sandwich Status Bar. The backgrounds
when in apps (Like gallery, contacts, settings etc.) are transparent.
I've added A2SD and I've included the A2SDGUI App in the ROM. This rom is so highly customizable and stable, I've never used anyone
else's rom for general use, I started developing roms so i could have a
stable rom whilst being fast and efficient for social networking,
gaming etc. The System has an ultimate edit of the blackhawk kernel implemented
into the rom. I have my own edits of the libs and files which all work
together to make one stable, high quality system. I've based the System
on 2.3.7, I've compiled the system directly from cyanogenmod github
(It's pure cyanogenmod, No edit of anyone else's rom) This is how I'll be doing it, I'll have three versions of each release Yes, This version DOES have the CyanogenMod libaudio file ported by me, try the sound.. you'll notice it. Overall, this rom is the best AOS release ever (well, from my experience)
How to Install:
1. You need ClockWorkMod 5
2. Reboot into ClockWorkMod Recovery, wipe data, wipe cache
3. Flash .zip from clockworkmod recovery.
4. Reboot your phone (first boot will take some time, reboot twice for optimal performance)
Download (AOS V1) recommended
(Special thanks for agan Mohammad Khoiruddin Ma'arif)
Download (AOS V2)
Download (AOS V3)
CM Blackhawk Kernel by Ketut Kumajaya
Patch & Mods
1. CWM 5 - Lovetz & Ketut.Kumajaya (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1291327)
2. [CM7.x] G - Sensor by lag loose (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1465402)
3. CM 7 Compass - by Yanuar Harry (http://db.tt/ebhpXUjJ)
4. Dark Tremor - tkirton XDA (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=715940)
5. Google Maps worked - ryanraven (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1445593)
6. Z-DeviceTest - ZAUSAN Innovación Tecnológica (https://market.android.com/details?id=zausan.zdevicetest)
Tips memperbaiki kerja kompas:
1. Flash [CM7.x] G - Sensor by lag loose via CWM
2. Insall apk biasa CM7 Compas
3. Arahkan posisi layar ke arah langit...dan putarkan dengan pola angka 8 beberapa kali
4. Check dengan menggunakan Z Device test
5. Done.
7. Transparan Status Bar, Center Clock, Carrier Label. Ekstract,
pilih patch yg mau di pake. Instal lewat CWM. (Special Thanks for Agan Ahmadd Peacemaker)
Download: (http://www.mediafire.com/?s1mdqa1a06uqyu2)
8. Mod Beats Audio - djsky2011 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1525208) (tested by Indra Pandhulaksana & Ahmadd Peacemaker)
9. Radio Fix - download ( http://www.mediafire.com/?kwu52d4p48w0smw )
(Special thanks for agan Nugraha Wicaksana)
[Push via Root Explorer ke system/app (overwrite aja), set permission rw-r--r--]
10. Radio fix alternatif - taken from cm-7.1.0-Beta2-Cooper-03.10.11-Grif_07_update
*caranya kopas file FM.apk dari SD card ke folder system, lalu rubah
permission nya ke rw-r--r--, udah gitu tinggal move ke folder
system/app. reboot deh.
*klo udah, masuk ke setting pilih regional band nya ke : japan (wide)
11. Enable Enter Key on MessagingYang mau ada tombol enter pas lagi nulis SMS.
Download dulu bahannya :
Install via CWM, mount system dulu sebelum install.
setelah install reboot HH.
kalau HH udah idup, masuk ke Pesan, masuk ke settings pesan, hilangkan centang pada "Send on Enter"
12. Xperia™ look :
AOSP KERNEL zImage-Mod v1.5
Silahkan langsung mampir ke original threadnya, diharap baca bnr" sblm flash ya..
[ROM][CM9]XXLP6 S2 Partial Port To galaxy ace
ROM ini basednya cm9 Maclaw so bug bug membandel akan ikut serta dalam ROM ini !!!!well i thought cm9 is stable enough for me atleastso i thought why not make a rom based on it
then i saw the new android 4.0.3 from galaxy s2 and thought WOW so then i resized almost all pngs to mdpi and then this rom was born
Credits -------------Maclaw for cm9 as baseSamsung for galaxys2 xxlp6 rom me for making this
-----------------------Feauturesalmost fully ported XXLP6 to galaxy ace very stablefunny android bootanim2 launchersApex and Touchwiz Galaxy sII wallpapersGalaxy sII ics Sounds
almost everything modded but this is still V1 so expect more in v2 :P
V1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?rtsd6q29sddh3r1
-------------------------------------------------How to install
This rom has special way of installing why ? because its weird :P
first wipe data/factory resetwipe cache wipe dalvik cache install zip then boot after setting everything up reboot to recovery and wipe data/factory resetwipe cache wipe dalvik cache then reboot again
DONT BE AFRAID WHEN U SEE A RED,Bleu ,or other colored Screen /SAMSUNG logo its normal
First Boot will take a long time
First release
Resized lots of lots pngs to mdpi
To be presize 2917 pngs for now
Added 2 launcher to choose Walppaers etc
MIUI Gingerbread Version Based CM7
IF you are satisfied with MIUI4 then no need to see this thread as MIUI4 is Pure MIUI port means original miui
All credits to kssood for porting to op1 and i use his work
This rom is based on cm7
miui framework is ported for working miui apps
kssood from op1 forum find awesome way to use miui on Gb so all credit is his
really awesome trick for porting its framework not anyone else think we can use miui in this way so really good work done by him
Download link : www.mediafire.com/?lr451h0c7afcvss
Mirrors by Lovetz http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...4&postcount=12
wipe all stuff and install
you can apply all miui themes
but not apply lock theme as it needed to convert in mdpi if want to use hdpi lock themes then install latest Milocker from market and apply theme by this app incase you can not unlock phone after applying lock theme push back+volume up button to unlock screenshot :
Credits : axel2033
ketut.kumajaya all devs bring cm7 to our ace
Original Post By XDA Developer
-----------------------------------Update ----------------------------
buat yang bermasalh dengan theme bikin folder "theme" tanpa tanda kutip di /data/system dan reboot
Bagi yg kebingugan karna thread di xda di hapus bisa kunjungi http://teamcooper.co.cc/forum/index.php karena MIUI4 Dan MIUI GB Di Taro disitu biar gak banyak spamming gan ..
Gan saya tertarik untuk menggunakan ROM Ace-Of-Spades V3, tapi sebelum mengunakan ROM ini saya mau naya:
BalasHapus1. Saat ini saya mengunakan SGA 2.3.6 jika saya mau menggunakan Ace-Of-Spades V3, apakah saya harus flash lewat CWM dari Ace-Of-Spades V1,V2 baru bisa ke V3, atau bisa langsung ke V3?
2. Apakah Rom Ace-Of-Spades V3 ini ada bugs lain (seperti kameranya gk bisa di pakek) soalnya tadi saya cari info di google, ada yang bilang kalo ada bug wifi n a2sd gak jalan, bener gak tu?
3 Dan yang terakhir apakh sebelum kita flash ke ROM ini apakah harus membuat partisi micro sd terlebih dahulu (fat32, ext4 dan Linux Swap)?
Mohon pencerahannya
Dan trimakasi sebelumnya
Tambaha gan, saya mengunakan Samsung Galaxy Ace Gingerbread.DXKT5, Baseband S5830DXKT4, ROM Ace-Of-Spades V3 ini bisa gak digunakan di Ace saya?
BalasHapus1. bisa langsung ke v3
2. utk v3 emang ada buggy kurang tau pasti bug nya yg mana. tp saya make v2 gag ada masalah :D
3. iya cara partisi ada diblog ini cari aja n harus ext4
semua gingerbrend bisa asal jangan froyo aja