Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Bluestack "Run Android on Windows"

Hallo sobat blogger, dari kemaren iseng cari emulator android buat nyoba-nyoba aplikasi, dimana kita tahu android emulator android banyak kendala dari ngelag, tidak bisanya membaca arm code, tidak suport memory card dan lain-lain dan setelah nyari wah ada yang sempurna alias semua kebutuhan bisa semuanya keren kan, nama nya Bluestack yuk mari disimak.

BlueStacks App Player lets you run your Android apps fast and full screen on Windows PCs and tablet.
Alpha testing recently ended, but you can sign up to be a beta tester. Join people in more than 100 countries who are using BlueStacks to run apps like Pulse, Advanced Task Killer and Alchemy full screen.
We’re always working to improve so let us know any suggestions you have that could make BlueStacks better

>When I agree to have my app “featured” where does it go?
When users download the App Player, there are some pre-loaded apps that actually come with the software (email us to discuss this), and then there is a button that says “Get Apps”. When people click it, their browser opens their personal “Featured Apps” to download. You app will appear on this screen, and can be discovered and downloaded to BlueStacks in one click.

>Will I be able to track how many people download my app?
Because the app will already be hosted by us, it won’t show up as downloads as it would from app stores. However you will see increased usage and we can give you data on that.

>What do I need to do to my app to make it work in BlueStacks?
Nothing – the app will run as is.

>What does this cost?
Nothing. We want to build the best possible product for our users, and the more great apps we can make easily accessible the better

>What kind of distribution does BlueStacks have?
We have hundreds of thousands of users and this number is growing fast. The first thing most all of them do when they download BlueStacks is check out Featured Apps.

>What are we getting from giving you guys permission to feature us?
Discovery and distribution. Even if only 50,000 of our users download and use your app, that’s 50,000 more than zero. If BlueStacks continues to grow as fast as it is, that number could be a lot higher.


5 komentar:

  1. makasih gan dah disundul tread ane
    sip sip

  2. cek lagi gan ada root terbaru build

  3. Link cara root nya gk bisa kk and
    Link Untuk yang maen HD gk bisa tolong benerin link nya OKE

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( :-p =))

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