Senin, 06 Mei 2013

[Unofficial] Whatsapp for PC

Hoollaaaaa ... sekarang ada yang unyu nih sobat blogger .. ada whatsapp for pc tapi emang bukan buatan dari Whatsapp Inc nya langsung alias ini unofficial jadi kita bisa whatsapp-an ria di komputer keren kan .. emang nyebelin kalau lagi enak-enak chat batre hp abis dan lagi dijalan nah sekarang dah gak pusingin masalah itu yuk test aja....

Hi. I would like to announce Wassapp, a non-official WhatsApp client for PC. This application basically allows any user to chat with his WhatsApp contacts from a computer (using a phone number that has been previously registered in WhatsApp, using a smartphone or any other method).

Start chatting is as easy as introducing your phone number, your password (depends on which device you registered your number in WhatsApp), and adding your contacts.

Wassapp is already available for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.
Linux and OS X versions will be available soon (a Mac Mini is needed for proper developing and testing, donations are welcome!).

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